When it comes time to choose a moving date for your Texas relocation, you will likely have to contend with job expectations, school schedules, home closings, and more. However, you may also want to take the season, and your Texas location, into consideration. The cool of winter may appeal to you, for example, unless you plan to live in Amarillo, where snow is more common. Summer may seem ideal, unless you are moving to hot San Antonio or Lubbock. To help you think through the right season for your move, we have put together this guide.
Moving During Spring
While not the most popular season in which to move, spring can be a great time to get a new start in your new Texas home. In addition to the convenience of spring break from school, which provides a natural opportunity to relocate without disrupting your children’s school schedule, here are a few reasons to consider a spring move, whether you are moving to Dallas, Austin, Houston, Killeen, or a smaller town within the state.
Pleasant Temperatures
Spring in Texas is generally defined by comfortable temperatures that range between about 60 degrees and 80 degrees during the day. That can make packing, and moving, a much less rigorous experience.
Ideal Time for Moving Plants
If you are considering moving plants along with you during your relocation, spring can be an ideal time. Transplanting your beloved bushes and perennials early in the spring, before they start to bloom, may enhance their likelihood of enduring the transition successfully.
Lower Costs
Due to lower demand during spring (particularly the early spring months of March and April), moving companies tend to be more available, and to charge less, than during the summer months. That can make moving easier on your wallet without forcing you to compromise on the quality of the moving services you receive.
Lengthening Days
Early spring also marks the beginning of Daylight Savings Time, when the clock is pushed ahead by one hour, and the days begin to lengthen. That can mean you have more sunshine in which to pack and move, helping you get more done on your relocation than during the darker winter months.
You should be aware, however, that moving during the spring in Texas may come with one major drawback: Rain and wind. Houston, for example, gets up to 53 inches of rain every year, with April, May, and June among its rainiest months.
October through June also tends to be the windiest time of year for most of Texas. Contending with a wet or windy day or week can significantly hamper your move, so plan accordingly.
Moving During Summer
Summer is without question the most popular season in which to move, and with good reason. Families find the summer to be friendliest to their children’s school schedules, allowing them to move while the children are out of school and enroll their kids in a new school before the new school year begins.
In addition, moving during summer promises weather that is mostly free of rain that can quite literally dampen the experience and allows you to move during the longest and sunniest days of the year.
However, before booking your move for the middle of the year, consider these potential drawbacks:
There will be many, many people competing with you to secure moving slots for the summer. As a result, unless you are able to book your move months in advance, you may have trouble finding a reliable mover, or end up with a mover who hires inexpensive and unskilled seasonal labor to complete your move.
Because demand is so high in the summer, you can also expect to pay the highest prices of the year for a summer move. Therefore, if budget is a concern, you may want to opt for a less popular time of the year.
Texas gets hot in the summer, and that can make your move uncomfortable, sticky, and sweaty. Unless you are moving to the cooler mountains, plan to contend with the Texas heat for any move between May and September.
Moving During Fall
Fall and spring in Texas offer similar advantages for your relocation, including low demand and prices, and the opportunity to relocate your plants with a minimum of risk.
One of the biggest advantages is the absence of the intense summer heat. October and November, for example, boast fall temperatures between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, making it comfortable to relocate at this time.
In addition, fall tends to have less rain than the spring, which can also prevent problems from unfolding on the day of your move.
One advantage of moving during that fall that you may not have considered is the proximity to the holidays. While moving during the winter or even early spring may mean moving during important holidays such as Easter or Christmas, September and October allow you to make your transition before the major holiday set in. If you want a peaceful holiday season in the comfort of your new (and unpacked) home, consider a fall move.
One major drawback to moving during the fall is the potential disruption to your children’s school year. Since school usually begins in August or September, you risk having trouble transferring them to their new school before the start of the year or having to move them just as the new year has begun. Often, families opt for spring or summer moves in order to avoid these complications and ensure a smooth school transition for their children.
Moving During Winter
While moving during the winter may not be a consideration in the colder and snowier northern states, Texas weather makes a winter move very possible. Most cities in the state have minimal (or no) snowfall and temperatures above freezing even in the coldest months of the year. In fact, you may prefer a winter move over a summer one because of the cooler temperatures. Here are a few other considerations for a winter relocation.
You should be aware that a winter move is likely to occur around the holidays. You will either be relocating just before major holidays like Christmas, or trying to manage moving logistics AND celebrations for a move right after the holidays.
Lower Costs
As one of the cheapest seasons in which to move, winter can be easy on the budget.
Flexible Scheduling
With demand significantly lower during the winter months, moving companies tend to have plenty of availability for a move during this season. As a result, you may find it easier to book reliable help even if you are moving at the last minute.
Most Popular Season to Move
Summer is the most popular time to move across the nation, thanks to the warm weather and school breaks that make this season a convenient time to relocate. However, as mentioned above, summer can also mean dealing with high demand for movers and the need to book your move far ahead of time.
Cheapest Season to Move
The cheapest season to move is winter, but you can also get good deals on your move anytime from late September to April. Driven primarily by low demand during these months, the low cost of relocating throughout the fall, winter, and early spring can make it easier to stick to your budget. Want to save even more money on your move? Schedule it during January, which usually has the cheapest moving rates out of the entire year.
No matter when you move, hiring reliable, professional movers who treat your belongings with meticulous care is key to a stress-free relocation. Here at Ward North American, we are ready to assist your move in every season!